Is it Worth Suing for Copyright Infringement?

Is it Worth Suing for Copyright Infringement?

By PPLAdmin / November 7, 2022

The Copyright Act contains all of the laws that apply to creative, “expressive” works, like music, photography, books, screenplays, and films.  If someone copies your creative work, whether the “infringing work” be identical or “substantially similar”, you may have a claim for copyright infringement. However, you will generally need to do no less than three…

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Is it Worth Suing for Idea Theft/Breach of implied in fact Contract?

By PPLAdmin / May 27, 2021

Have you ever pitched a fantastic idea for a movie or television show just to have it taken from you? If so, you may have a cause of action for what is referred to as “idea theft”. As entertainment lawyers who specialize in these claims, we are often approached by potential clients and asked: “What…

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Is it Worth Suing for Defamation?

By PPLAdmin / October 7, 2019

Defamation is a civil cause of action that creates a great amount of stir when a case is filed. Defamation occurs when a person: makes a false statement of fact about you or your business; the statement was published (made to a third party); the person who made the statement did so negligently, recklessly, or…

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